Having worked for many decades in procurement for small and big construction and infrastructure projects, Safet has gained a vast experience on the interactions between stakeholders. Customers, contractors, manufacturers... they all have distinct goals and visions, and it is not always easy for the engineering specialists to identify the underlying problems.

Safet has developed a strong technical team, capable of understanding the different positions and support the engineering firms in designing solutions and alternatives.

During planning and quotation:

Safet can help in the selection of technical products and qualified suppliers, in budget analysis and, through rigorous planning, in prevention of unforeseen events.

During execution of project:

We are strongly committed in removing every roadblock, with constant attention to the technical bounds, priorities and needs of every stakeholder.

Safet promotes a collaborative approach and open communication. We work to focus everybody's attention on the common goal of delivering the project. At the planned quality level and within the time and cost constraints.